How can I extend my Sole Representative of an Overseas Business visa and obtain ILR?

26 Jan 2024, 34 mins ago

Individuals currently holding leave as a Sole Representative of an Overseas Business (“SROB”) may be eligible to extend their stay.

The SROB is designed for individuals representing overseas businesses who intend to set up a branch or a wholly owned subsidiary in the UK. 

Although the SROB category is now closed to new applicants, those who already hold a visa under this route will need to consider applying for an extension of their visa if their leave is due to expire. As with the lead applicant, any dependants under this route will need to submit a separate application in advance of the expiry of their current visas.

To extend your SROB visa, you will need to ensure that you are eligible and meet the relevant requirements, as set out by the SROB rules. You will therefore need to show that you continue to work for the same employer as when you were issued your previous visa, and that your employer’s principal place of business is still outside of the UK. If you are the sole representative, you are also required to show that you are still supervising the UK branch or subsidiary that you established for the overseas business. Please be aware that the type of documents you need to provide in support of your extension application will depend on your role and the nature of the business.

The SROB visa does lead to settlement; therefore, if you have complied with the conditions of your visa and have lived in the UK for a continuous period of five years, you may be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain.

If you require further information on your eligibility for an extension of your current SROB visa or an application for settlement in the UK, do not hesitate to reach out to Gherson, and a member of our UK Inbound Immigration team will be happy to assist you.

How Gherson can assist

Gherson’s Immigration Team are highly experienced in advising on UK visa matters. If you have any questions arising from this blog, please do not hesitate to contact us for advice, send us an e-mail, or, alternatively, follow us on XFacebookInstagram, or LinkedIn to stay-up-to-date.

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