Rumours of a military coup began through social media on Tuesday, following the army’s warning on Monday that they could intervene in politics. Today, news broke that the President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe is under house arrest along with four other senior ministers. The military has taken over the national broadcaster. There were reports of firing heard during the early morning from the Northern suburbs of Harare, where a number of government officials and President Mugabe live.
The military insist that this is not a coup and they are not taking over. The army has not yet shown any intension of taking a governing role. However, there is significant uncertainty in the region as to what the future will hold.
As the situation unfolds, Gherson is monitoring on-going events closely. We have a strong history, with over 29 years experience, of dealing with UK Immigration Cases as well as complex political cases. Should you require assistance, please contact us on +44 (0) 207 724 4488.
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