The Home Office and the Office for National Statistics (“ONS”) recently released the immigration statistics for the last quarter of 2017. An analysis of the statistics by Shard Capital shows that 81 new investors came to the UK between October and December last year. This is a slight decline from the previous quarter, when the UK welcomed 114 new investors between July and September 2017.
According to the Shard Capital’s analysis, China continues to be the largest supplier of investors to the UK with 24 new Chinese investors, followed by Russia with 16. This is a slight decline for China in comparison with the previous quarter when 39 new investors were granted leave between July and September 2017. However, Russia provided 13 new investors for the same period and was again the second largest provider of investors.
Interestingly, Turkey has now taken the third position with 8 new Turkish investors. Turkey had provided only 5 new investors in the previous quarter and was the fifth largest provider.
The statistics from ONS and the analysis by Shard Capital confirm that overall for 2017 there has been an increase in the arrival of new Tier 1 (Investors), as compared to 2016. This is despite the net decline in migration experienced by the UK last year.
However, the numbers of new investors coming to the UK is still below the numbers from before November 2014, when the Immigration Rules changed the minimum investment requirement from £1 million to £2 million for all new investors.
Gherson has over 30 years of experience in assisting with various immigration matters. If you need assistance or wish to receive some more information regarding your immigration matters, please contact us.
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©Gherson 2018