A new statement of changes comes into effect on 6 April 2013. Included in these changes is an update to the list of skilled occupations used when selecting a Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code for a Tier 2 or Tier 5 Migrant.
Due to these changes the process for applying for restricted certificates of sponsorship (RCoS) will differ from the norm during March, April and May 2013.
Currently, applications for restricted certificates of sponsorship submitted on or before the 5th of each month are considered on the 11th of the same month. During April 2013 however, applications submitted from 6 April to 17 April 2013 will be decided on 19 April 2013. Applications submitted from 18 April to 5 May 2013 will be decided on 13 May 2013. The process will revert back to the established system in June 2013, with applications submitted from 6 May to 5 June 2013 being decided on 11 June 2013.
Due to the impending update to the list of skilled occupations on 6 April 2013, if an RCoS is granted before this date it must be assigned by 5 April 2013. If this is not done, the ‘job type’ details on the CoS will be lost and a new application for an RCoS must be made.
A request for exceptional consideration can be made if you urgently need an RCoS between 6 March and 18 April 2013. The request for exceptional consideration must be made the same day as the application for an RCoS. Examples given by the UKBA of valid reasons for exceptional consideration include where the UKBA have caused delays resulting in a newly licensed sponsor needing a CoS for an employee due to start work before the next monthly allocation and in respect of surgeons recruited for life-saving surgeries.