The Office for National Statistics has published new immigration data. In the year ending September 2017, net migration was down to 244 000, a similar level to in early 2014. EU migration has fallen in the last year, whereas non-EU migration has increased.
Although EU migration has decreased, more EU citizens are still coming to the UK than leaving. EU net migration has returned to a level last seen in 2012. There seems to be a significant decrease in the number of EU citizens coming to the UK ‘looking for work’. Although there have been suggestions that the fall in EU migration is due to Brexit, in reality the picture is far more complicated. There are a whole host of reasons that fewer EU citizens are migrating to the UK. One factor that must be considered is that stronger economic growth seen in the European Union has led many people to find work closer to home.
Studying is the second most common reason to come to the UK. Immigration for students stands at 163,000, reflecting a more than 17% increase from the previous year. Of those whose main purpose for long-term immigration was studying, almost 75% were non-EU citizens, with 53% of these individuals coming from China, the United States and India.
Gherson has over 29 years of experience in handling the immigration matters of both individuals and corporations. Should you wish to discuss any of your immigration matters please contact us.
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©Gherson 2018