On 17 October 2016, the UK Visa Application Centre in Russia announced a change in the way in which supporting documents for settlement visa applications should be submitted. From now on all evidence for settlement visa applications should be sentdirectly to the UK Visa and Immigration office in Sheffield, along withthe GWF reference and a copy of the application form.
Applicants should still attend the Visa Application Centre with their passport and application form, but supporting documents should be sent to ‘International Operations and Visas’ in Sheffield directly, either by themselves in Russia or by their sponsor in the UK. It would normally take 60 days to consider, or 15 days for Priority Visa Service.
During the current transition period, all applications and supporting documents submitted in Russia will be forwarded to the UK by the Visa Application Centre. This period ends on 14 November 2016 so it is important to understand where and what evidence to submit with your settlement visa application. Furthermore there exists a specific order in which these documents should be arranged.
Gherson has a very experienced team ready to advise in this matter and any other visa and immigration queries.