Dependant visa holders are permitted to start and run their own businesses whilst in the UK. However, there are a number of factors to consider before doing so.
One of the most important things for a Dependant visa holder to consider when planning to start a business in the UK is that your visa status is reliant on your partner’s visa status, therefore your permission to stay or enter the UK is granted in line with your partner’s permission.
If your relationship breaks down, your visa can be curtailed by the Home Office and you will need to switch to another visa category, such as the Innovator visa, subject to meeting the relevant requirements. As such, although you are permitted to start a business in the UK, you will need to consider these important factors as they may affect your business’s longevity in the UK.
It is also important to note that a Dependant visa holder is not permitted to work as a sportsperson or a sports coach, as the Home Office have set up a specific visa route for these individuals.
How Gherson can assist
Gherson’s Immigration Team are highly experienced in advising on UK visa matters. If you have any questions arising from this blog, please do not hesitate to contact us for advice, send us an e-mail, or, alternatively, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to stay-up-to-date.
The information in this blog is for general information purposes only and does not purport to be comprehensive or to provide legal advice. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information and law is current as of the date of publication it should be stressed that, due to the passage of time, this does not necessarily reflect the present legal position. Gherson accepts no responsibility for loss which may arise from accessing or reliance on information contained in this blog. For formal advice on the current law please do not hesitate to contact Gherson. Legal advice is only provided pursuant to a written agreement, identified as such, and signed by the client and by or on behalf of Gherson.
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