Theresa May’s last-minute deal with the EU was released on Friday in a 15-page report outlining the first stage of the Brexit process. The deal is expected to be approved by the EU member states next week, which will see Brexit negotiations move into the next phase: negotiations on trade and the customs union. From an immigration standpoint, there are some very important developments.
The right to live, study and work in the UK has been guaranteed for all EU citizens residing in the UK, as well as similar rights for UK citizens living throughout the EU. Furthermore, the report confirmed that the rights of EU and UK dependants will be safeguarded. Reunification rights will remain, even after Brexit. Reunification rights refer to the rights of relatives of EU citizens not currently living in the UK to join their family members in the UK. However, UK citizens will not retain these rights if the citizen moves from one EU country to another.
The report also discusses the fact that freedom of movement could continue for up to two years after Brexit in March 2019, although the UK says that new arrivals will be required to register. EU citizens living in the UK who do not yet have Permanent Residency will be entitled to acquire it after Brexit.
There have also been developments with regards to the Irish border. The report guarantees that there will be no “hard border” between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. There is also an agreement to continue to have “unfettered access” between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. It is still unclear how this will be implemented in practice.
Gherson has over 29 years of experience in handling the immigration matters of both individuals and corporations. Should you wish to discuss applying for permanent residence or any other immigration matters please contact us.
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©Gherson 2017